
Gynoug - The Winged Warrior Returns (Switch/PS4/Xbox) Classic retro shooter OUT NOW!

The Real McCoy!

Released originally on Sega Mega Drive, fans of this beast of a shooter, known in America as Wings of Wor is back! This heavyweight comes full to bursting with action and full blown destruction that will light up your screens. It may on the surface appear to be yet another horizontal scrolling, seek and raise hell game, but the playability factor and challenge is unsurpassed.

Set to Fight

The planet has been decimated by a virus that has transformed and mutated into a breed of some of the most fearsome creatures ever! They are the Mutants of Iccus, led by the terrible Destroyer. Many have taken on the mutants before you… and many have failed. Now it’s your turn. From the deepest caverns of Iccus to the belly of the beast itself, you must fly and fight for the life of your planet! It won’t be easy… but then the best battles never are! Destroy the Destroyer and Iccus will be saved, its skies free once again. But fail and your wings will be clipped… forever!

Action - Get Ready

Six levels of do or die action and you annihilate all that dare to challenge you or even come in your sights. A ‘power up system’ really lives up to its name for as you progress, and succeed, it dramatically increases your fire power and the overall force you are able to exert!  Coloured crystals and orbs can be blasted as they miraculously appear to gain you even more extra power and don't miss out on the red orb for that is a real bonus upgrade. The more orbs you collect the more varied upgrades you are presented with. Spot the amber orb and a real treat is in store. Although many of the actions are now customary to this genre there are plenty of surprises in store.

Enemy bosses, mini bosses, ghouls, weird and wonderful creatures, and objects all make appearances and they are not mere fodder to be shot to smithereens. Speedy reactions are required!


High configurable CRT shader

Special mode that enables accessibility features

Rewind mode and save/load state functionality

Dynamic Music 

Ever Changing  levels of play

Long Levels of Mythical, Subterranean, Cavernous fiery pursuit 

Garganic  enemies

Epic mid level and end level boss confrontation

Price: £5.99 GBP/ €5.99 EUR/ $6.99 USD

Available: NOW!

Mega Retron HD from Hyperkin - Unboxing and Mini-Review!

Anyone curious about Hyperkin's Mega Retron HD console may want to check out this vid, join Tom as he unboxes and tries out the console for himself.

The Mega Retron HD is the latest in Hyperkin's range of HD 'Clone' systems that endeavour to produce the same gameplay experience as you remember from the original console through the use of original cartridges and clone hardware but out-putting to HD as well as composite.