green man loaded

Keebles out March 27th - How many will you save?


keebles logoBurnt Fuse and Green Man Loaded bring you Keebles, a physics-based vehicle building puzzle game. How many Keebles will you save? Building your vehicle is very straight forward, with a few simple clicks you'll be collecting Keebles in no time. Later levels become more challenging with the additions of rockets, faster wheels, parachutes and even more components to help you along your way. The game is due out March 27th on Steam and can be Preordered via Green Man Gaming with a 20% discount at £6.99 £5.59. Below is our first Let's Play video of Keebles and will help give you a better understanding of what the game is about.


We will be posting more videos of Keebles in the coming days, so click that Subscribe button on our YouTube channel to stay up to date!