Lads Night In: 29th August


Enjoying your week so far? Did you miss last friday's Lads Night In show of which I co-host over on If so...I can help you out there! It is now up and ready to be listened to via Mixcloud. The show has been embedded at the bottom of this post.

On last week's show we discussed the newly announced 3DS, along with Xenoblade. Callum laughed an awful lot (who knew the number 7 would be so funny?) while Assassins Creed Unity, Star Wars Commander and Amazon buying Twitch are also mentioned.

The theme for the music for this week related to over-played tracks. Admitably, a few of them may make you run away in fear...

Anyway, enjoy!

Lad's Night In - 29th August by Ladsnightin on Mixcloud